I would add learning a foreign language to the list of rejuvenating creative activities. Using an app for my smartphone called Duolingo, I started out with the free version and focused on upgrading my comprehension of French. It was so much fun that I eventually paid for a membership, and now I am studying six additional languages - Spanish, Italian, European Portuguese, German, Danish and Latin. My language studies are similar to solving a puzzle, and it has been intriguing to see the similarities and differences among the languages. Spanish is now my first priority because it is the first language of so many people who now live in the U.S. It is exciting to listen to Spanish songs and discover that I can understand a fair amount of thel lyrics.

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When I was working full-time I felt best after sitting and stitching. The cross-stitch needlework was exacting but also refreshingly boring. I found it to be quietly meditative. When I was working part-time and had more free time, I took piano lessons and tried my best to practice daily. Playing the piano took me away from all my stress and worry, clearly my best method to use free time and engage my right brain.

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At the end of the day I sometimes think "what did I do today?' I like to create projects for myself. When they are completed I feel good about myself and how I used my time. I have to be careful and finish one before starting another. Next project is a catio for my cat!

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Perhaps brush up my Italian

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Thank you !!! Needed these thought to replay ....

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